
Sunday 15 July 2012

Trying for a title

Well, this was hard.

My name is Cameron and I'm the other half of this blog. Rather than go on about myself, I'd like to talk about our title, rayneNcameron. I know, it sounds simple but it took about two hours to get to this point. Over hashbrowns and coffee we outlined the steps for our blog, the first being make a name, with the last involving world domination.

Come on, we'd do it right. It'd be clean, orderly and efficient.

Continuing, being the insane, shenanigan prone individuals that we are, coming up with a title to explain our existence is no easy task.

Define yourself and what you stand for in a word. Done?

We tried to have something that would encompass us both, but apparently Sass.blogspot was taken.

This blog will be about what we stand for and more importantly, what we love.

Expect love, music, fashion, rants and SASS. Plenty of it.

Thank you so much for visiting and "yall come back now ya hear!"

Much love,


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