
Friday 24 August 2012

MSAC 4 poem: I am....

This poem was a product of MSAC 4, a cohort of individuals that I am so glad to have met. We are a collection of Students from grades 7-12 tasked with representing the student voice of over 2 million students in Ontario. We are also some of the most fabulous and loveable people you will ever meet.

Shout out to MSAC 4!

I am…

I am from a place where there are walls, but no limits; a place where different cultures and natures meet; a place that no-one seems to have heard of.
I am from a community that celebrates strawberries; a quiet area where streets are simple but the people are complicated; a place of caring and giving people.
I am from hard work, bad jokes, and a life of quiet simplicity; from large gatherings, found memories, and far-away places.
I am from knockwurst and gateau chaumeur, from codfish and crab meat, from meat and potatoes and gravy, from goulash and pizza, from poli, baji and postizzi’s, olives and rice, schnitzel and crumpets and tarte au sucre… I am from any home cooked meal.
I am from a place where it isn’t always safe; an environment where education outside the classroom should be as highly supported as learning within those four walls.
I am from a slippery slope that tests my abilities; a place where teachers encourage us to follow our dreams.
I am from a place where learning disabilities should be acknowledged as much as achievement; a school where teachers and students should be respected by each other, and work together towards a common goal.
I am from a place where love flows free and equality is yet to be; a place of uncertainty and shattered trust, and a hope for healing; a place of determination and passion; a family who had beaten all odds.
I am from a vision in which students will open their eyes to see the potential they withhold; a place that needs to recognize its potential; a place where change is open and possible.
I am from a place that believes that discussion and experimentation leads to advancement and innovation; from a place where the focus needs to shift beyond just schooling.
Honourable Minister, we are from a breed of youth that wants to make a difference.

Much love,

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